!function ($) { "use strict"; // version: 2.8 // by Mattia Larentis - follow me on twitter! @SpiritualGuru var addToAttribute = function (obj, array, value) { var i = 0 , length = array.length; for (; i < length; i++) { obj = obj[array[i]] = obj[array[i]] || i == ( length - 1) ? value : {} } }; $.fn.toggleButtons = function (method) { var $element , $div , transitionSpeed = 0.05 , methods = { init: function (opt) { this.each(function () { var $spanLeft , $spanRight , options , moving , dataAttribute = {}; $element = $(this); $element.addClass('toggle-button'); $.each($element.data(), function (i, el) { var key , tmp = {}; if (i.indexOf("togglebutton") === 0) { key = i.match(/[A-Z][a-z]+/g); key = $.map(key, function (n) { return (n.toLowerCase()); }); addToAttribute(tmp, key, el); dataAttribute = $.extend(true, dataAttribute, tmp); } }); options = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.toggleButtons.defaults, opt, dataAttribute); $(this).data('options', options); $spanLeft = $('').addClass("labelLeft").text(options.label.enabled === undefined ? "ON" : options.label.enabled); $spanRight = $('').addClass("labelRight").text(options.label.disabled === undefined ? "OFF " : options.label.disabled); // html layout $div = $element.find('input:checkbox').wrap($('
')).parent(); $div.append($spanLeft); $div.append($('').attr('for', $element.find('input').attr('id'))); $div.append($spanRight); if ($element.find('input').is(':checked')) $element.find('>div').css('left', "0"); else $element.find('>div').css('left', "-50%"); if (options.animated) { if (options.transitionspeed !== undefined) if (/^(\d*%$)/.test(options.transitionspeed)) // is a percent value? transitionSpeed = 0.05 * parseInt(options.transitionspeed) / 100; else transitionSpeed = options.transitionspeed; } else transitionSpeed = 0; $(this).data('transitionSpeed', transitionSpeed * 1000); options["width"] /= 2; // width of the bootstrap-toggle-button $element .css('width', options.width * 2) .find('>div').css('width', options.width * 3) .find('>span, >label').css('width', options.width); // height of the bootstrap-toggle-button $element .css('height', options.height) .find('span, label') .css('height', options.height) .filter('span') .css('line-height', options.height + "px"); if ($element.find('input').is(':disabled')) $(this).addClass('deactivate'); $element.find('span').css(options.font); // enabled custom color if (options.style.enabled === undefined) { if (options.style.custom !== undefined && options.style.custom.enabled !== undefined && options.style.custom.enabled.background !== undefined) { $spanLeft.css('color', options.style.custom.enabled.color); if (options.style.custom.enabled.gradient === undefined) $spanLeft.css('background', options.style.custom.enabled.background); else $.each(["-webkit-", "-moz-", "-o-", ""], function (i, el) { $spanLeft.css('background-image', el + 'linear-gradient(top, ' + options.style.custom.enabled.background + ',' + options.style.custom.enabled.gradient + ')'); }); } } else $spanLeft.addClass(options.style.enabled); // disabled custom color if (options.style.disabled === undefined) { if (options.style.custom !== undefined && options.style.custom.disabled !== undefined && options.style.custom.disabled.background !== undefined) { $spanRight.css('color', options.style.custom.disabled.color); if (options.style.custom.disabled.gradient === undefined) $spanRight.css('background', options.style.custom.disabled.background); else $.each(["-webkit-", "-moz-", "-o-", ""], function (i, el) { $spanRight.css('background-image', el + 'linear-gradient(top, ' + options.style.custom.disabled.background + ',' + options.style.custom.disabled.gradient + ')'); }); } } else $spanRight.addClass(options.style.disabled); var changeStatus = function ($this) { $this.siblings('label') .trigger('mousedown') .trigger('mouseup') .trigger('click'); }; $spanLeft.on('click', function (e) { changeStatus($(this)); }); $spanRight.on('click', function (e) { changeStatus($(this)); }); $element.find('input').on('change', function (e, skipOnChange) { var $element = $(this).parent() , active = $(this).is(':checked') , $toggleButton = $(this).closest('.toggle-button'); $element.stop().animate({'left': active ? '0' : '-50%'}, $toggleButton.data('transitionSpeed')); options = $toggleButton.data('options'); if (!skipOnChange) options.onChange($element, active, e); }); $element.find('label').on('mousedown touchstart', function (e) { moving = false; e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); if ($(this).closest('.toggle-button').is('.deactivate')) $(this).off('click'); else { $(this).on('mousemove touchmove', function (e) { var $element = $(this).closest('.toggle-button') , relativeX = (e.pageX || e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX) - $element.offset().left , percent = ((relativeX / (options.width * 2)) * 100); moving = true; e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if (percent < 25) percent = 25; else if (percent > 75) percent = 75; $element.find('>div').css('left', (percent - 75) + "%"); }); $(this).on('click touchend', function (e) { var $target = $(e.target) , $myCheckBox = $target.siblings('input'); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); $(this).off('mouseleave'); if (moving) if (parseInt($(this).parent().css('left')) < -25) $myCheckBox.attr('checked', false); else $myCheckBox.attr('checked', true); else $myCheckBox.attr("checked", !$myCheckBox.is(":checked")); $myCheckBox.trigger('change'); }); $(this).on('mouseleave', function (e) { var $myCheckBox = $(this).siblings('input'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); $(this).off('mouseleave'); $(this).trigger('mouseup'); if (parseInt($(this).parent().css('left')) < -25) $myCheckBox.attr('checked', false); else $myCheckBox.attr('checked', true); $myCheckBox.trigger('change'); }); $(this).on('mouseup', function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); $(this).off('mousemove'); }); } }); } ); return this; }, toggleActivation: function () { $(this).toggleClass('deactivate'); }, toggleState: function (skipOnChange) { var $input = $(this).find('input'); $input.attr('checked', !$input.is(':checked')).trigger('change', skipOnChange); }, setState: function(value, skipOnChange) { $(this).find('input').attr('checked', value).trigger('change', skipOnChange); }, status: function () { return $(this).find('input:checkbox').is(':checked'); }, destroy: function () { var $div = $(this).find('div') , $checkbox; $div.find(':not(input:checkbox)').remove(); $checkbox = $div.children(); $checkbox.unwrap().unwrap(); $checkbox.unbind('change'); return $checkbox; } }; if (methods[method]) return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) return methods.init.apply(this, arguments); else $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist!'); }; $.fn.toggleButtons.defaults = { onChange: function () { }, width: 100, height: 25, font: {}, animated: true, transitionspeed: undefined, label: { enabled: undefined, disabled: undefined }, style: { enabled: undefined, disabled: undefined, custom: { enabled: { background: undefined, gradient: undefined, color: "#FFFFFF" }, disabled: { background: undefined, gradient: undefined, color: "#FFFFFF" } } } }; }($);